QLD Swimming Pool Regulations


In December 2010 Mandatory Part 3.4 of the Queensland Development Code (MP3.4) was implemented along with Chapter 8 of the Building Act 1975 and Part 4 of the Building Regulation 2006. In association with Australian Standards AS1926.1 ‘Safety Barriers for swimming pools’, AS1926.2 ‘Location of safety barriers for swimming pools’ and AS/NZS 3000 specify the requirements for swimming pool safety in QLD.
The purpose of these pool regulations is to safeguard young children from drowning or injury in pools regulated under the legislation. It generally requires that fencing enclose a pool to prevent unsupervised access by young children.

In addition to specifying the the requirements for pool fences and pool signage the amendments also introduce a requirement for immersion incidents to reported to the Pool Safety Council which is established under the amendments to the Act and the introduction of a system of pool safety inspections including inspector training and code of conduct.


These pool laws apply to residential pools and spas in private and shared environments and pools in commercial environments like hotels, motels, unit complexes, and hostels. Portable wading pools do not need to be fenced if they hold less than 2000 litres of water, are less than 450mm deep, and do not have a filtration system.


The implemention of the QLD Pool Regulations is to be staged.
All swimming pools should be registered with the Pool Safety Register by the 4th November 2011.
Pools in short term accomodation environments like hotels, motels, backpackers or hostels must be inspected by the 31st May 2011.
For pools in long term accomodation environments like unit complexes the body corporate must obtain a pool safety certificate by 30 November 2012 if there is a sale or lease on or before 1st September 2012.
Other pool owners have until 30th November 2015 to comply with the pool laws, or earlier if they sell or lease their property before this time.

General Requirements

The QLD pool regulations require that:
  • Swimming pools are listed on the Pool Safety Register.
  • Pools have regular inspections by a licenced swimming pool safety inspector and be issued a Pool Safety Certificate.
  • Pools have a continuous barrier around the pool to prevent unsupervised access to the pool  area by small children.
  • Pools display a warning sign during construction.
  • Pools display a complying CPR sign.
  • Pool barriers are maintained in good condition.
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